

March 6, 2015

Ligaments Provide Joint Stability in More than One Way

Research has shown that almost everyone has some degree of weakness, looseness, and dysfunction in their sacroiliac joints due to ligament laxity. Ligaments hold bones together at joints but, they are much more than that; they are regulators of muscle tone. They have nerves within them that send signals to the muscles to stabilize excess movement by contracting some muscles and inhibiting, or relaxing, others in an attempt to remove …

February 23, 2015
Spine illustration

The Sacroiliac Joint: Your body’s core

The sacroiliac joint is where the upper body meets the lower body. It is the center of motion, the center of shock absorption, and the center of power transfer between the upper and lower body.  When we talk about core, this is what we are talking about, the sacroiliac joint, not the lumbar spine.  Although lumbar disc herniation can lead to extremely severe pain due to pressure on a nerve, …

February 6, 2015

Serola featured in Senior Golfer

Senior Golfer recently approached Serola Biomechanics because they too realized that one of the most common issues with golfers, is back pain.  Any form of back pain for someone can cause distress and difficultly while trying to participate in the game they love.  We have all recently seen the issues experienced by Tiger Woods, even having to drop out of several high profile tournaments.  Unfortunately, as we all get older, …

January 15, 2015

Serola featured in the “We tried it” section of Golf Tips Magazine

Serola Biomechanics and the Serola Belt was recently featured on Golf Tips website in their, “We tried it” section.  The article talks briefly about how prevalent back injuries have been in golf recently including the PGA and Tiger Woods.  With 4 out of 5 golfers experiencing back pain from golf activity and more than 80% of people in general having back pain at some point in their life, the belt …

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