

November 20, 2018
Subluxation image

What is a Subluxation?

We’ve all been there, sitting in our medical doctor’s, Chiropractor’s or Physical Therapist’s office as they explain the issue that is going on and then somewhere along the way, a term is used that completely loses us as we shake our head pretending to understand. The medical field is a difficult one with complex ideas and complex words to tag along. Today, we are going to go over a well …

September 7, 2018
Woman holding back

Why Back Pain has been a Mystery and the Solution

There are two major concepts that have muddied the waters of understanding back pain, the herniated lumbar disc and the keystone form and force concept of sacroiliac stability. These two concepts are excellent examples of two wise old sayings: “You can’t find what you want if you look in the wrong direction” and “If you believe hard enough, you can even fool yourself.” Before 1934, the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) was …

August 1, 2018
Side by Side Nutation and Counternutation

Nutation & Counternutation: What are they and why are they so important?

Nutation and counternutation are commonly used terms in the medical fields. However, beyond just knowing what the movements are, many don’t have the full grasp of just how important they are. The Serola Theory on biomechanics dives deep into these two functions and explains exactly what these movements are doing and how they apply to the body as a whole. With all of this research done, let’s try to take …

April 23, 2018
Do Don't Sacroiliac Joint

Dr. Serola’s Dos & Don’ts for the Sacroiliac Joint

Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) dysfunction is becoming more frequent than ever. Dr. Rick Serola suggests the following tips to avoid opening the sacroiliac joints and/or stressing the sprained ligaments of the SIJ: 1) Do Not Bring the Knee Across the Midline. For example, crossing the legs while sitting by placing the knee of upper leg on the opposite leg. However, crossing the ankle or lower leg over the opposite knee while sitting is …

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